Welcome to Our Movement, Warren Voters

Rather than dwell on Elizabeth Warren’s mistakes, let’s focus on her supporters. It’s good to see some of them switching to Bernie Sanders, and there ought to be many more — here are just a few reasons why.

Supporters cheer for Sen. Elizabeth Warren during a campaign rally on February 1, 2020 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. (Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images)

Senator Elizabeth Warren has dropped out of the race for the presidency.

Since she didn’t win any states on Super Tuesday, this was expected. Warren hasn’t endorsed either Biden or Sanders and is reportedly not sure whether she will take a side in the primary. This will understandably perturb some Sanders backers, but rather than focus on Warren, I’d like to focus on her supporters.

Elizabeth Warren is only one person, but her supporters are legion, and they are a motivated group, many of them activists, with the skills and social capital to convince others. Bernie will need every progressive vote to beat Biden, and whoever is the nominee will need every vote to beat Trump.

The polls suggest some Warren supporters have leaned toward Biden as their second choice, but a good many prefer Sanders. Over the past few days, my social media timelines have been full of Warren supporters switching their allegiance to Bernie. Now that she’s dropped out, expect many more. I welcome them to the movement and encourage other ex-Warrenites to do the same.

There are a number of reasons why this makes sense for them.

People who supported Warren badly want policies that could make life better for most Americans. Presumably, they were attracted to her platform — her plans! — which means they want Medicare for All and publicly funded childcare. Bernie Sanders is the only candidate left in the race supporting those things.

Warren supporters are pro-choice, and Sanders is the only candidate left in the race with a lifelong commitment to meaningful reproductive freedom, including publicly funded abortions. Warren supporters are presumably concerned about student debt; Bernie Sanders’s plan for free college is the only way to solve that problem.

They are serious about climate change — and Bernie Sanders is the only candidate with any idea of what it will take to address that crisis, the plans to do it, and the independence from the fossil fuel industry to carry them out.

They want racial justice; Sanders shares this lifelong commitment and, like Warren, has a platform full of clear thinking on how race and economics intersect. Warren supporters also want to tax the rich, and everyone knows how Sanders feels about that. They cheered Warren’s evisceration of Michael Bloomberg in national debates — as did we all.

Sanders, the only person in the race to have said billionaires “shouldn’t exist,” shares their distaste for this social class.

Biden, by contrast, doesn’t support Medicare for All, has opposed public funding for abortions, and has been a roadblock to “big structural change” and a friend of the rich all his life. He’s no feminist — remember Anita Hill? And Warren rightly attacked him for being wholly owned by the credit card industry. Elizabeth Warren supporters can’t possibly find a progressive reason to back him.

Warren supporters also wanted to beat Trump and thought she would be the best candidate to do that. In that case, they should support Bernie Sanders over Biden before it’s too late. No Democrat is going to have an easy time beating Trump, but Sanders is the one who has by far the better chance.

Although polling suggests that either Sanders or Biden could beat Trump, Biden has serious weaknesses that may become more apparent after the convention. Republicans can campaign against Bernie Sanders’s politics, but he’s had the same politics all his life and there’s nothing new to say on this subject. Talking about Sanders’s politics only gives his supporters more opportunities to talk about his popular ideas.

The problem with the claim that Biden is “electable” is that it’s based on a 2015 Biden who was more in command of his faculties. Now, he makes a ridiculous gaffe every day — from urging supporters to get out and vote on “Super Thursday” to claiming that he was arrested in South Africa (he wasn’t). These gaffes will be cumulative and difficult to defend — especially in the hands of a relentless (and, sorry to say, sometimes pretty funny) bully like Donald Trump.

Debates between the two men will be a sadistic ritual that only a middle schooler could love, and we can’t let that happen.

Welcome, Warren supporters! Together we will do this.