Special Bastille Day Offers

Bastille Day is the perfect day to convert a friend into a Jacobin. $17.89 print gift subscriptions and more.

office_centerpieceBastille Day is the perfect day to convert a friend into a Jacobin. This week, print gift subscriptions are starting at just $17.89. (Get it? 1789!) Just follow this link and press the little gift button.

Offer only applies to new subscribers. It’s a way better deal than our October $19.17 special rate. Also, if you donate $25 or more this week (please send more!), you’ll get a copy of Micah Uetricht’s acclaimed Strike for America and our Class Action booklet.

One other note: our party tonight has been moved indoors and to 9 p.m. It’s still at 388 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11217.