Jacobin’s “The Dig” Hits 100 Episodes

Every week, Jacobin Radio's The Dig introduces you to the Left's brightest thinkers and activists.

Alan Levine / Flickr

Jacobin Radio’s own The Dig, hosted by Daniel Denvir, has just reached its one hundredth episode. If you’re not already listening, why not use the occasion of this nice round milestone to fix that?

The Dig entered my must-listen rotation as soon as it came out. Dan brings together a mix of academics and activists, famous and unknown, extremely online and extremely off, who work on a wide range of topics from a left-wing perspective. As an interviewer, Dan is in-depth and thoughtful. And I have to say: his sonorous voice in your ear feels intimate, even relaxing. He’s the Terry Gross of the Left.

Highlights of the show thus far include:

Subscribe to the show at iTunes, Stitcher, or Blubrry. We also host Doug Henwood’s show Behind the News, Jacobin Radio with Suzi Weissman, and post occasional audio from Jacobin events and interviews with Jacobin authors.